Rosie is available for adoption!

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  • Listing ID: 5654
  • Age:: 10 months old
  • Sex:: Female, Spay/Neutured
  • Dogs?: Yes
  • Cats?: Unknown
  • Kids?: Yes
  • Housebroken?: Yes
  • Crate Trained?: Yes, but can be left loose
  • Location:: Cambridge, Ontario
  • Fee:: $600.00
  • Description/Info:: Rosie is a shy gal who had a bit of a rough start to life. She is as quiet as a mouse in the house and most times you don’t even know she is here. When Rosie finds her safe space in the house she is often found there. She loves other canine companions and often looks to them for confidence. Rosie loves to play fetch with a ball and she comes to her name when called. Rosie is in a very busy foster home with 3 boys and she has created a bond with the youngest boy (11). Rosie is an extremely gentle soul who will do great with a canine companion. Rosie lives with 2 female dogs (8 and 2.5) and an 8 year old male. She has met several other dogs and is a very respectful pup.