Lola is available for adoption!
Adopt / / Featured
- Listing ID: 5855
- Age:: 2 years old
- Sex:: Female, Spay/Neutured
- Dogs?: No
- Cats?: No
- Kids?: Yes, older
- Housebroken?: Yes
- Crate Trained?: Yes
- Location:: Ottawa, Ontario
- Fee:: 550.00
Lola is great dog who is very loving. She is very hyper initially until she learns who the boss is and then settles in very nicely. She will definitely test the boundaries with her new owner but if you are patient and consistent with her you will end up with an amazing pup.
Lola is the sweetest most loving dog that deserves a good home. It seems that she came from a home with no boundaries or corrections but she is super smart and learns quickly. She has come such a long way in such a short period of time. Lola is a beautiful pup with an endless amount of energy. She is hilarious and will play with her toys in the yard for hours at full speed. Her favourite toys are balls but any toy will do.
Lola walks well on a leash and will pass dogs with no issue. She has been fostering with two large male dogs and does walk well on a leash with both of them. That being said, at this time, Lola needs more time to blossom into a more confident, secure dog so I feel that a no pet household would be best suited for her.
Lola will do best in an active household with people who can keep up with her endless amount of energy.